Gabriela Urm

Library lobby is more comfortable and visitor-friendly now

The lobby of the library underwent renovations this summer. More comfortable seating areas were added on the ground floor, and the whole lobby became more functional. A floor plan, which visitors had been missing for years, was placed on the wall in front of the locker room​. 
“We are delighted that students have quickly embraced the new armchairs, which offer more privacy than before,” said Jaanika Anderson, Director of the library. “It seems the whole lobby has received a new lease of life. It used to be rather uninviting, but the pastel-coloured carpets, chairs and lamps have made it much cosier.” 
According to Viljo Vider, Head of Institutional Development Service of the Estates Office, it was necessary to observe the requirements and restrictions of the Rescue Board in the library lobby project, as no more than the permitted number of furniture or other movable items was allowed in the room. “The university’s priority is to create a secure yet attractive and convenient working and learning environment. The library lobby project is a good example of transforming a large pass-through space into a comfortable seating area,” said Vider. 
Besides widening the seating area, the information desk solution was modernised. It now stands in the left-hand part of the lobby, in front of the locker room. Two screens were added next to the main staircase, one displaying library and university events while the other showing information about events held in the library’s conference centre. “Our conference hall and seminar rooms have seen increased use year by year,” said Lilian Mengel, the library’s Cultural Environment Manager. “It is often difficult for first-time visitors to find the right room. The guiding information screens should now make it much easier.” In addition to the screens, the necessary signs and symbols were placed on the library doors and walls. 
The signage system for the lobby and the library was worked out by the Velvet design agency. The summer renovations are the first step in updating the library’s interior design. In the following years, the library plans to harmonise the signage also on the other floors. 
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